Your Privacy: Overview


This privacy policy (this "Privacy Policy") sets out the privacy policies and practices for Sage Enterprises, Inc. (“SAGE") with respect to how SAGE collects personal information. It also describes how SAGE maintains, uses, and discloses personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to information collected from you by SAGE via this website and other social media sites operated or provided by SAGE, including and various subdomains (collectively, the "Sites"); and other places where we may collect personal information. This Privacy Policy also sets out how you can access certain information that SAGE may collect about you. In this Privacy Policy, "personal information" means information or opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained from the information or opinion as further defined under applicable privacy laws.


Please note that the Sites may contain links to other third party websites that are not controlled or operated by SAGE. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such third party websites, and SAGE is not responsible for the content of such third party websites or the privacy practices of such third parties. Therefore SAGE encourages you to request and review the privacy policies of any third parties upon disclosing your personal information to such parties or when visiting such third party websites.




By using SAGES's Services, including our website, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use SAGE's Services. Your continued use of SAGE's Services following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will mean that you accept those changes.


We reserve the right to amend or modify this Policy, as may be needed, to comply with the mandate of the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. 10173) and other relevant laws, rules and regulations. All changes or modifications on the Policy shall be posted on our website.


This Privacy Policy was last updated in 19 May 2022.


Collection of Your Information


SAGE may collect personal information in connection with your use or purchase of SAGE’s products and services, which may include information provided in connection with the following activities:


  • Registering or filling in forms on the Sites. This includes information you may provide when you request additional information about SAGE’s products and services or sign up to receive SAGE’s newsletters or coupons.
  • Completing a profile or uploading goals to the Sites.
  • Purchasing any product or service from SAGE.
  • Providing design or product feedback or making other submissions to SAGE.
  • Requesting information or assistance from SAGE. SAGE may also keep a copy of any communications or correspondence you may send to it, including any e-mail communications.
  • Participating or responding to consumer survey or requests for consumer’s opinions, concerns, and preferences regarding SAGE’s products and services.
  • Participating in consumer contests, sweepstakes and other promotions.
  • Using other features of the Sites that may be offered from time to time, and may require such information in order to utilize the feature (including but not limited to making a Submission as defined in the Terms of Use).


The personal information that SAGE may collect may include your name, username, password, email address, age, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, credit card and debit card numbers (with expiration dates), personal preferences, and any other personal information that you choose to include in your profile, your submissions of your goals to SAGE, or in other communications to SAGE.You represent and warrant that you have the right and authority or have obtained all necessary consents to provide any information, including any personal information of another individual, that is provided by you to SAGE.


SAGE may also collect information that may not be personal information, which may include, but is not limited to, the frequency of user visits to the Sites, the routes by which users access the Sites and use of any hyperlinks available on the Sites. SAGE or its service providers and agents may process and use this aggregate data for various purposes including, but not limited to, analysis of this data for trends and statistics, development of the Sites and the Sites’ features and offerings, assessing patterns of use, or planning and evaluating marketing initiatives. This information is gathered by certain tools and methods such as the collection of your IP address or the use of cookies and is maintained, used and disclosed in aggregate form unless otherwise noted.




Like many websites, SAGE utilizes “cookies” to maintain a record of your visit to the Sites. A cookie is a small text file that is transferred by a web server and stored on the hard drive of your computer. It can only be read by the server that sent it to you.This information does not identify you personally and you remain anonymous unless you have otherwise provided SAGE with personal information.


Cookies help SAGE to improve the Sites and to deliver more personalized service by enabling SAGE to estimate audience size and usage patterns; to store information about your preferences; to speed up your searches and to recognize you when you return to the Sites.


Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. If you would prefer to prevent your computer from accepting SAGE’s cookies, you may follow your Internet browser’s steps for doing so. Please note, however, that if you do disable cookies from your browser, you may not be able to access certain sections of the Sites.


IP Addresses


An IP address is a computer's numeric address, by which it can be located within a network. SAGE may record your IP address when you visit or use services or features on the Sites. SAGE may use your IP address for the purposes noted above, and also to help diagnose problems with SAGE’s server, or to administer the Sites. SAGE may also use your IP address to identify you when SAGE feels it is necessary to enforce compliance with this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use, or to protect the Sites, systems, information, employees, service providers, business partners, users, customers and others.


Protection of Your Information


To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, maintain data accuracy and facilitate the appropriate use of information, SAGE uses physical, technological and administrative procedures to protect the personal information that SAGE collects from loss, unauthorised access, modification, disclosure or other misuse.


Nevertheless, Internet transmissions are never completely private or secure. You understand that any messages or information you send to the Sites may be read or intercepted by others. If you have any questions about the security of personal information collected by SAGE, please contact:


You should also be aware that certain aspects of the Sites are not confidential and are available for public viewing. For example, other users of the Sites will be able to view your reviews that are publicly available. Any submissions that you may post to any publicly available blogs or other publicly available features of the Sites are not confidential and may be viewed by other users of the Sites. By making personal information publicly available where the Sites allow you to do so, you consent to such publication by SAGE or its service providers and agents. Please refer to the Terms of Use for additional provisions relating to user submissions that may apply to you.


Use of Your Personal information

Upon SAGE’s collection of your personal information, SAGE may use such personal information internally, separately or in combination with pre-existing information, for the following purposes:


  • To develop, enhance, market, sell or otherwise provide information, products or services;
  • To establish and conduct commercial relationships, including to process purchases or other transactions and to conduct or administer other transactions that you may engage in with SAGE;
  • To conduct or administer contests, sweepstakes or other promotions in which you have participated;
  • To contact you and to respond to any communications that you may have had with us;
  • To troubleshoot problems with the Sites;
  • To customize your experience or homepage on the Sites;
  • To develop and manage SAGE's business and operations;
  • To enforce SAGE’s Terms of Use or comply with this Privacy Policy;
  • To detect and protect SAGE and other third parties against error, negligence, breach of contract, fraud, theft and other illegal activity, and to audit compliance with SAGE’s policies and contractual obligations;
  • To engage in business transactions, including the purchase, sale, lease, merger, amalgamation or any other type of acquisition, disposal, securitization or financing involving SAGE;
  • As permitted by, and to comply with, any legal or regulatory requirements or provisions;
  • To access, preserve, disclose and use your personal information contained in your account, all Submissions (as defined in the Terms of Use), all communications to and from you, all information relating to your use of the Sites, if SAGE is required to do so by law or legal process or if SAGE determines, in its sole discretion, that such action is necessary to protect the rights of SAGE, third parties, and other users of the Sites or for purposes of responding to your request for customer service;
  • To service you, to tailor our content to you and/or to offer you opportunities to purchase products or services that we believe may be of interest to you, by supplementing the information we collect about you with information from third parties; or
  • For any other purpose to which you consent.
  • Personal information collected by SAGE may be transferred to, stored and processed in countries where SAGE is located, including, but not limited to the United States, Canada, Hong Kong and Australia. While in another jurisdiction for processing, the information may be accessed by the courts, law enforcement, and national security authorities of that jurisdiction.


Direct Marketing

From time to time, SAGE would like to send you information that SAGE considers may be of interest to you (including SAGE news, our products and services, products and services of our selected partners, subsidiaries and affiliaties and invitiations to events), but SAGE will only do this with your consent.

If you prefer not to receive direct marketing communications from us or if you change your mind after providing your consent, you may withdraw your consent by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in our direct marketing broadcast email that is sent to you by SAGE.

Disclosure of Your Information

SAGE may disclose your personal information to its subsidiaries or affiliates and to third parties whom SAGE hires to provide services on SAGE
’s behalf, including, but not limited to, support services, website services, delivering promotional materials, contests, sweepstakes and other promotions, and answering customer questions about SAGE’s products and services. These subsidiaries, affiliates and third parties may be located overseas. SAGE will only provide those third parties with the personal information that they need to deliver the services to SAGE and/or on SAGE’s behalf. In the event that SAGE is involved in a business transaction, including the purchase, sale, lease, merger, amalgamation or any other type of acquisition, disposal, securitization or financing involving SAGE, you consent to your personal information and any other information SAGE may have collected being transferred to another party in connection with such transaction. You also consent to SAGE disclosing your personal information to legal, financial, insurance, or other advisors in connection with such business transaction or management of all or part of SAGE’s business or operations; as consented to by you from time to time, including to fulfil any other purposes that are identified when the personal information is collected; or as otherwise permitted or required by law.

Retention of Your Personal information

The personal information that you provide will be retained by SAGE in accordance with applicable laws. However, SAGE will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information it holds if it is no longer needed for SAGE business purposes.

Children's Privacy

SAGE recognizes the privacy interests of children and SAGE encourages parents and guardians to take an active role in their children's online activities and interests. The Sites are not intended for children under the age of 18. SAGE does not target its services or the Sites to children under 18. SAGE does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18.

Choice and Opt-Out Preferences

SAGE does not collect your personal information unless you choose to provide it. If, at any time, you prefer not to receive further email from SAGE (except in connection with information, products or services that you specifically request), you will have the ability to unsubscribe from such communications by means of a link provided in every broadcast e-mail that is sent to you by SAGE.

Access and Correction

SAGE will take all practicable steps to ensure the personal information it holds is accurate, complete and up to date.

Upon your written request, subject to certain exceptions, SAGE will inform you of the existence, use and disclosure of your personal information and give you access to that information. Additionally, if you have any questions or enquiries relating to our privacy practices or procedures, or if you believe that the personal information that SAGE holds about you is not accurate, complete or up to date you may write to the Privacy Officer at the address provided below. If you are able to establish that the information is not accurate, complete or up to date, SAGE will take reasonable steps to correct the information so that it is accurate, complete and up to date.

Contact Us

SAGE welcomes questions and comments about this Privacy Policy. Feel free to contact us at